This kind of insurance is a necessity if you transport people or haul goods for money. Remember, it’s necessary even if you already have a personal auto insurance plan. That doesn’t cover your vehicle when it’s used as a business. Here’s a simple way to tell if you need this kind of insurance, if you use trailers, trucks or automobiles for your business, it’s necessary. That covers large dump body trailers, pickup truck utility trailers, trailer trucks, dump trucks, vans, light trucks and so many more – if you have any questions about whether or not you need this insurance, we’d love for you to call us before you get out on the road.

Choose from a variety. Customizing your Commercial Auto Insurance package

  • Non-Owned Vehicle
    As all businesses are different, so are the insurance plans that are available. For example, the “Non-Owned Vehicle” insurance plan covers vehicles that aren’t mentioned on your policy but do get used for business.
  • Physical Damage
    We know that when your vehicle gets damaged physically, you want it fixed quickly and easily. The “Physical Damage” insurance package covers theft, fires, collisions, vandalism, and a myriad assortment of other incidents that could hurt your company. Through compensation, you can get your truck back out there.
  • Medical Payments/Personal Injury
    Medical Payments/Personal Injury cover the expenses that come via the result of an accident. When people are hurt, they need to be given a chance to heal without worrying about their finances. This insurance package can take care of that.
  • Liability 
    Getting into an accident shouldn’t be the end of your business. Our Liability insurance package has Property Damage and Bodily Injury built in. So we have your back should the unthinkable happen.
  • Uninsured Motorist
    When someone without insurance crashes into your vehicle, it can be frustrating because they don’t have the money to compensate you. However, the “Uninsured Motorist” trucking insurance will make sure you’re compensated should someone without insurance wreck into you.

Businesses that operate trucks only

Now, many of our Colorado insurance trucking companies are just in the trucking business. Many of you don’t have to worry about operating other commercial vehicles. If that’s the case, we have a long list of great trucking insurance plans for companies that only operate trucks.

  • On-Hook Towing
    We have two great options for tow truck companies. Many customers worry about their vehicles when they’re being towed. To give your customers some piece of mind (and manage your own liability) “On-Hook Towing” insurance covers your customers’ vehicles while your employees are towing them.
  • Garagekeepers Legal Liability
    You don’t want to have to pay for any damage or theft that occurs on your customer’s vehicles when they’re parked in your garage. That’s where “Garage Keepers Legal Liability” insurance can help. You work to keep your garage safe and secure. However, you can’t control where all of your customers go and what they do. This insurance covers all of that.
  • Trailer Interchange
    For companies that use “trailer interchange” as a part of day to day business, we have insurance that can help. If you use trailers every day, they’re an important part of your business. They deserve to be covered as such by your insurance.
  • Motor Truck General Liability
    “Motor Truck General Liability” covers when your truck causes property damage or injuries to others. That shouldn’t be the end of your business. Instead of having to pay for exorbitant compensation, this insurance will pay. This is one of those kinds of trucking insurance that provides peace of mind to the insured as well as any of their clients.
  • Motor Truck Cargo
    Things can happen to cargo in transit. It can get damaged. It can be lost. When that happens, you don’t want to have to pay for the cargo. This trucking insurance covers the cargo no matter where you go. That way, all you have to do is focus on getting the cargo where it’s supposed to be.

That’s a lot of different kinds of trucking insurance. We understand that it can be a little difficult to choose from all of those. Let our team of insurance agents walk you through the process so that you can make the best decision for your needs.