Looking for a way to get the most out of your business? Motor truck cargo insurance could be the answer. The name “motor truck cargo insurance” can sound a little bit confusing, but all it means is that you share the responsibility of delivering goods for your client. Think about it: have you ever hit a dead end? Plenty of great truck drivers have had that one ride where they didn’t get the cargo to where it was supposed to go in a manner they were accustomed to. That’s what makes this insurance so great: it covers the cargo inside the truck. It can even take care of the things you might not be aware of. For example: after an accident, it’s easy to overlook what kind of pollution the debris can kick up. This insurance can pay those expenses as well as any legal fees. The best trucking insurance covers the things you know you have to pay for as well as the unforeseen costs.

Colorado Cargo Truck Insurance Requirements

We understand how, as a first time buyer of trucking cargo insurance, everything can seem overwhelming. That’s why we take great pride in helping those who are new find the right package. An important tip that’s easily overlooked: when you don’t understand something, ask questions. There’s never a bad reason to ask a question. You’ve heard the phrase “there are no stupid questions.” That’s doubly true when you’re talking about your livelihood as a truck driver. So, we love answering any and all questions from our prospective clients, because at the end of the day, the goal is to keep every driver from under or over insuring. We’ll do our research and we encourage you to do your research as well. If a deal looks too good to be true, it almost invariably is. We’ll help make sure that you and your clients are happy.

Type of the Cargo

Motor truck cargo insurance covers a lot of different kinds of trucks and cargo. However, there are some it doesn’t cover. Much of this is common sense, like it won’t cover radioactive/explosive materials, property under custody, live animals, alcohol, art, jewelry, cash, pharmaceuticals, tobacco or live animals. However, it also doesn’t cover shipping containers or property owned by the insured (i.e. your stuff).

Type of the Truck

There are many different kinds of trucks that haul cargo. It’s important to remember that there are some we don’t carry insurance for. For example, this motor truck cargo insurance doesn’t cover passenger vans, ice cream trucks, hearses, buses, limousines or garbage trucks. As ever, every situation is different. If you think we should/could cover your truck, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We’d love to sit down and talk to you and see if there’s a way to work something out.

That being said, this kind of insurance covers many different kinds of trucks. In fact, it covers more trucks than you might think. Flatbeds, dually pickups, car haulers, cargo vans, cement mixers, box trucks, dump trucks, tractors and even most trailers are absolutely covered. If there’s any question as to what is or isn’t covered, we are available to talk it over with you before you pay a cent. Paying for too much insurance is just as bad as paying because you didn’t have enough insurance. We’re here to make sure you do neither.