Primary Vs. Non-Trucking Insurance. What's the Difference?

The idea of “non-trucking liability insurance” can seem confusing at first. An easy way to think about it: it’s insurance for when you’re not driving your truck. For example, primary liability insurance is something motor carrier contractors and owner operators use when they’re delivering goods, hauling cargo and the like. This insurance covers those times when damage occurs while you’re driving for personal reasons in the truck. This type of insurance makes sure you’re covered no matter the circumstances.

Bear in mind: your carrier must give you an additional plan for physical damage insurance if you’re a leased trucker. If they don’t, that’s okay, too. Remember: you can just do it on your own. There’s something nice about taking your safety into your own hands. Of course, we’re always here to discuss that with you so that you can get all the coverage you and your vehicles would ever need.

Worth knowing

We’d all love to spend more time with our friends and family. Just imagine kicking back and enjoying a day with your spouse and kids. When the opportunity for a free night comes up, take advantage of it safely and securely with this insurance. Without this insurance, you won’t be insured if you take your family to the movies in the truck. By that same token, this insurance doesn’t cover fueling, layovers, going to or from maintenance or a terminal, hauling cargo, or anything like that. This insurance covers personal reasons.

As you might imagine, this can also be one of the most confusing types of trucking insurance to apply for. It’s not the same thing as Bobtail liability insurance, and there are so many different kinds of non-trucking liability contracts to sign. They may seem similar at first, but there are some critical differences that can either give you too much coverage or leave you exposed. By going over all of the pros and cons with you, we can get your truck the coverage you need.

The amount of paperwork and research associated with this kind of insurance can be massive. That’s particularly annoying since part of the point of this insurance is to enjoy spending free time with the people you love. And even then, some require a lot of paperwork, and other types of non-trucking liability contracts don’t require you to submit a financial responsibility proof. No matter how much paperwork the insurance plan has, we can take care of it.

This insurance isn’t for everyone. If you use your truck to treat your family to a night on the town, or go with your friends to the new Italian restaurant down the street, this insurance is a great purchase. However, if you never use your truck for personal reasons, this insurance isn’t for you. You don’t need it. If someone tries to sell you on it and you would never need it, they’re probably someone you want to avoid doing business with. We only offer this insurance to those that it would genuinely help.